The four big challenges caravan parks are facing (and how many are solving them)

The Imagination Play team recently attended the Caravan Parks Association of Queensland Conference (CPAQ) and the 2024 National Caravan Conference – two key events in the caravan parks calendar. At these conferences, we spoke with park owners, managers, and staff about common challenges, including budget constraints, time management issues, and staff retention. With the Federal Budget providing little relief for tourism and regional development, park operators are seeking ways to navigate these difficulties. This blog outlines practical strategies shared by park operators to address these challenges, providing insights that other parks will benefit from.

1. Working with small budgets

At both conferences, one all-too-common challenge was that money was tight for caravan park operators, who were forced to do more with less. And this trend is likely to continue, with the 2024-2025 Federal Budget offering little in the way of support for tourism and regional development.

So, it’s no surprise that plenty of operators we spoke to are asking for respite from this. And while there isn’t a catch-all solution to the tough times ahead, there are still ways to get ahead and opportunities that you can seize.

If you’re based in Victoria, the Regional Tourism Investment fund offers fantastic opportunities to fund improvements and enhance amenities at camp and caravan sites.

The grant application deadline is approaching fast – Friday, July 19th. You can learn more about the Fund and application process here:

If you’re not based in Victoria, or you’ve missed the cut-off for this round, it’s well worth keeping an eye out to see what funds and grants your local or state government might have available, especially as we head into the new financial year. Our team will be sure to keep you informed when they open so you can take advantage. After all, in this economy, a grant from a fund like this could be the difference between surviving or thriving.

2. So many demands, so little time

If being money-poor was pain point number one, being time-poor was a close number second.

Part of this comes down to a shortage of employees. Park operators told us loud and clear that a big problem was finding the right staff and then being able to retain them. This doesn’t just impact the experience of visitors to the park – it also means that operators are stretched even more thinly as they try to juggle recruitment and retention with their regular duties.

One way that caravan parks are overcoming this issue is by looking for suppliers who can properly support them end-to-end.

For example, as a playground and fitness equipment supplier, we’ve streamlined our processes to make it as simple as possible for you to build the ultimate recreation space. All we need are some images of your space and answers to a few simple questions, and we’ll have enough to customise a design to suit your needs, area size and budget.

We’ll also manage the audit, installation, and any maintenance requirements so you can get back to running your park.

3. A bigger focus on small spaces

One of the most interesting trends – and one that we fully support – is operators challenging themselves to make the most of every space within their park. After all, while caravan park managers would like to dedicate massive areas to play or fitness equipment, sometimes that’s simply impossible.

Instead, operators are thinking laterally. They make sure they emphasise the space they have by being selective with the equipment they install, use pieces that complement the area and ensure that not an inch of space was wasted.

After all, you might be surprised what you can fit in an area you had previously written off as being ‘too small to fit any equipment’.

4. Attracting a more diverse audience

From older nomads enjoying their retirement to youngsters out for their first adventure, caravan parks are popular destinations for all kinds of road-trippers. Many parks and caravan sites are considering and moving towards installing fitness equipment alongside their playground spaces.

This not only encourages visitors to stay active after long drives without leaving the park but also meets the needs of both older children and teenagers, particularly in remote areas with limited activities. Fitness equipment can be a great addition to ensure all age groups have engaging options.

If there’s one thing we took away from attending the two conferences, it’s that while caravan parks are facing significant challenges, the demand for these destinations remains high. Park operators are grappling with a range of issues, from budget constraints and staff shortages to optimising limited spaces and appealing to a broader audience.

At Imagination Play, we specialise in providing playground and fitness equipment that can make your park more accessible and engaging. Our solutions are designed to fit your budget and minimise disruption to your daily operations, allowing you to focus on running your park while we handle the rest. To find out more about how we can help, explore our fitness and play catalogues and get in touch with our team for a chat.