The Fit-Rider is an ideal activity for a full-body, cardiovascular work-out; distributing your weight and working every major muscle group in the body. It provides a lower-intensity workout that develops fitness without unnecessary strain on muscles or joints.


  • Low-impact.
  • The ability to burn a lot of calories in a short time.
  • Build stamina and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Develops upper and lower body coordination.


  1. Stretch and Warm-up for 5 minutes prior to any exercise.
  2. Place feet into foot-pads and grasp handles.
  3. Begin by alternating pulling handles to chest, while pushing foot-pegs down with legs extended (almost standing with support of seat). Then reverse action with pushing handles away from chest and relaxing legs back to a seated position.
  4. This exercise should replicate a horse-riding motion, with a smooth and even pace.
  5. Use correct posture when riding, with shoulders back, head and chin up, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Look forward, not down.
  6. Monitor heart-rate to build up to an ideal level.
  7. Maintain steady pace for 20-30 minutes for ideal aerobic exercise.
  8. Cool-down for a 3-5 minute period for recovery of normal heart-rate.
  9. Stretch appropriate muscles to ensure recovery to resting position and prevent soreness.

Age Range: 12 Yrs old and up (Children should be supervised by an adult).