The Leg Lift is an ideal activity for both an upper and lower body stretch and workout. Pulling down with your arms will lift your legs at the same time.


  • Strengthens back muscles and stretches hamstrings.
  • Ability to stretch and warm up leg muscles by using your upper body.


  1. Stretch and Warm-up for 5 minutes prior to any exercise.
  2. Place feet into foot-pads and grasp handles.
  3. Place feet on foot pegs (or place legs on leg holders for a greater stretch).
  4. Reach up and grasp handles. Using a controlled motion pull downward toward shoulders until legs are horizontal.
  5. Keep your back straight, shoulders back and head up. Do not hunch forwards. Be careful not to overstretch the leg muscles.
  6. Gradually return the handles to starting position.
  7. Remember to breath in at pull down and breathe out during return to overhead position at a smooth rate.
  8. Stretch appropriate muscles to ensure recovery to resting position and prevent soreness.

Age Range: 12 Yrs old and up (Children should be supervised by an adult).