The Sky-Runner is an ideal activity for a cardiovascular work-out.


  • Low-impact.
  • The ability to burn a lot of calories in a short time.
  • Build stamina and cardiovascular fitness.


  1. Stretch and Warm-up for 5 minutes prior to any exercise.
  2. Place feet into foot-pads and grasp handles.
  3. Begin walking or running motion with a smooth and even stride.
  4. Use correct posture when walking, with shoulders back, head and chin up and slightly forward, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Look forward, not down.
  5. Use correct posture when riding, with shoulders back, head and chin up, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Look forward, not down.
  6. Monitor heart-rate to build up to an ideal level.
  7. Maintain steady pace for 20-30 minutes for ideal aerobic exercise.
  8. Cool-down for a 3-5 minute period for recovery of normal heart-rate.
  9. Stretch appropriate muscles to ensure recovery to resting position and prevent soreness.

Age Range: 12 Yrs old and up (Children should be supervised by an adult).