The Torso-Twist is an ideal activity to stretch and warm up obliques and abdominal area, to build strength and prepare for various exercises.


  • Build flexibility and strength in the obliques and abdominal muscles.
  • Ability to stretch abdominals and obliques before and after work-out.


  1. Use this activity to stretch and warm-up prior to exercise.
  2. Stand facing frame, place feet firmly on twisting disc. Keep feet together. Grasp handles.
  3. Grasp handles with both hands and using abs, twist the lower half of body in a side to side motion.
  4. Use correct posture with shoulders back, head and chin up, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Look forward not down.
  5. Rotate at a smooth and steady pace.
  6. Remember to breathe at a smooth rate.
  7. Stretch appropriate muscles to ensure. recovery to resting position and prevent soreness.

Age Range: 12 Yrs old and up (Children should be supervised by an adult).